Information about the Denomination

There has been some recent confusion about what has been going on in our denomination.  To clarify a matter, please understand there is no issue requiring a congregational vote before NFUMC at this time.  There was a called General Conference in 2019 to consider proposals regarding revising the Book of Discipline’s stance on homosexual marriage and the ordination of homosexual clergy.  At that conference, a denominational commitment was made affirming the current wording in the Book of Discipline not allowing these two actions. 

We will have more information regarding upcoming legislation after this year’s Annual Conference. For example, also coming out of that special called General Conference was an exit strategy for how churches may disaffiliate with the denomination; procedural matters regarding this process still need to be worked out within our Annual Conference. Additionally, details about last year’s regularly scheduled General Conference (which happen every four years) which was postponed due to Covid are still forthcoming as well. 

The Pastor and Board of Servants will endeavor to keep everyone up to date as more information becomes available. 

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