To fill the opening on the Board of Servants, I am pleased to announce that the Board approved Mrs. Debbi Carroll to fill the seat until our next charge conference in the fall of this year. Our thanks to Debbi to stepping up to serve our church.
Other Board business for February focused on preparations to re-open for in-person services in April for Easter. I know many of you are “chomping at the bit” to see your church family, but we need the month of March to “shake off the cobwebs” as we prepare The Grove and our volunteer teams for in-person services. This is not a trivial undertaking after so many months of virtual services, but rest assured the Board, Pastor, staff and volunteers are working hard to re-open and keep us open!
Our Financial Secretary Barbara Justice reached out to all of you about potential issues with checks being taken from our church mailbox. Please be sure to check your records against the giving statements sent by Barbara and let her know of any discrepancies. We are also installing a locking mailbox at the church to add another layer of security for checks that are mailed to us.
March will be a busy month as we get plan for in-person services, spruce up the building, improve our security measures, and prepare to celebrate the resurrection of our savior Jesus Christ. So, hang in there just a few weeks more and we’ll be together again!
Yours in Service,
Steve Justice – 2021 NFUMC Board Chair