Pastor John’s Blog – October 2020

Ahhh… October.  Fall has arrived! The air is turning cooler; the leaves are turning colors; and the stores are stocking the shelves with… Christmas decorations!  In what other month can you find stores offering both Little Debbie Pumpkin Treats and Fruitcake at the same time? Delicious!

I would like to thank everyone for a great response to September’s Stewardship campaign.  The NFUMC Board of Servants is busy working on a budget for next year, recruiting volunteers for important positions, and all the other paperwork the Conference requires be done this quarter.  While this church has turned an important corner in its finances and is no longer operating at a deficit, many challenges lie ahead that are easier to plan for thanks to everyone’s faithfulness and generosity.

The Annual Aramis Alvarez 5K is at the end of the month, October 31st, combined with a Fall Festival.  There is still plenty of room on the volunteer roster to sign up to help. I have faith that this is going to be an amazing day during which God is going to do great things. If you feel well and up to it, please come out to be a part of this major event.

While all that I’ve mentioned has been going on and being prepared for, leadership has also been trying to plan an “Austerity Advent”.  In a year with a tight budget, when we cannot host Breakfast with Santa and the Worship Committee has to decorate an entirely different room (the Grove) than we normally do (the Sanctuary), volunteers are brainstorming how to focus on the Greatest Gift in a worshipful, meaningful way after a challenging year when people need to hear Christmas’ message of hope more than ever.

I am excited about fall and excited to see what things God has in store for us next.  Jesus is at the wheel, friends; join in, buckle up, and get ready to hang on!  Here we go‼

Rev. John Tomlin

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