Board Notes – February 2020

The new Board began its work with a mini-retreat on Saturday January 25th and an organizational meeting on Monday January 27th.  Prayer, scripture, reflections, and conversations centered the members on what it means to be “called to serve” during the retreat.  At the organizational meeting, Steve Justice was elected Chairperson and Pam Ashman as Recording Secretary.

The Board set the standing monthly meeting for the 4th Monday of each month.  The agenda for each upcoming meeting, including financial reports and other documents for the meeting, will be shared with the congregation via email (or hardcopy as requested) a week prior to each meeting.  All Board meetings are open to all members of the Church.

The Board’s focus is “Faith in Action”; the prayerful discernment of how NFUMC fulfills our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  Since the ‘One Board’ model is new to NFUMC, the Board is moving out on a review and update of policies that  will empower our Working Groups and Ministry Teams to fulfill this mission.

My sincere thanks to all those who have stepped up to serve our church. The list of NFUMC leaders for 2020 is now on the website – Click Here.

Steve Justice – 2020 Board Chair

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